Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do or Diorama!!!!!

I'd like to cordially invite you to my home for a celebration of miniature 3-D worlds and also to celebrate my 28th birthday on FRI. NOV. 7th!! 8 P.M.

Please make a diorama and bring it!!

The suggested theme for the diorama's is NATURAL DISASTERS!


This theme is not required but it WOULD be pretty fucking cool.

As you may already know,
the life sized dude ranch diorama home is at:
5200 NE 35th Ave
Portland, OR 97211

Bring a diorama, a friend, some wine and whatever magical things you would like me to have for being 28. (those possibilities are endless!!!) oh and your dancing shoes.

7th 8 pm
Do or Diorama

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Cole Robinson, Dan Bayer, and Peter Kass are all becoming one year older this week. In celebration, we're having a three way birthday party on Monday, the 13th at 7pm.

The theme is Menage-a-trois meaning we're doing everything in threes that night. Bring two dates and dress as triplets.

We'll also be having a treasure hunt in teams of three, a 3 lap bike race, and a 3
legged race. If you come alone, no problem. Hook up with others coming stag.

We'll start with a potluck at 7pm.